Cinco de Mayo decor
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
One of the things I like to do when I'm throwing a party is to decorate for the occasion. Cinco de Mayo is fun to decorate for because it is colorful and fun. I found a ton of great decorating ideas that were so easy to make but they may take a little time to make. The paper flowers (below) were made like this.
I found the candles in the Mexican food aisle at my grocery store. I think they were $1.50 each. You can get them plain or with a print of Virgin Mary on them. The polka dot banner was an idea I found here. This took a little time but I use it for birthdays and other celebrations.
I made little crepe paper baskets (crepe paper stuck to a dixie cup) and filled them with candy I found in the Mexican food aisle of my grocery store. No one liked the Chick-O-Stick (but me) so you may want to consider a different candy to fill up your favors.
I put jalapeno lights here...
and here. I also hung my Fiesta banner.
Everyone got a sombrero on their chair to wear during dinner. They were $1.99 at Hobby Lobby...don't forget your 40% off coupon.
These are the candles on the serving bar. And in our Virgin Pina Coladas I used these
. Have fun decorating for the big day.
RRRRRRRAAHA! Delicioso! My family is going to love this. And the more hot sauce, the better.
FYI..... World Market has all of their Cinco de Mayo chips, salsa, margarita mix etc on sale through the 5th. Also, where do you get your 40% coupon for Hobby Lobby?
Gracias for the amazing comdia, mi amor.