Strawberry Freezer Jam

I think I'm on a strawberry kick.  They are so irresistible when I see them at the grocery store.  Such a deep red sweet-smelling fruit.  I thought I'd pick some up and make some jam.  My family likes freezer just seems to capture the fresh strawberry taste.  I love to serve it to guests with whole wheat toast or on a dish of vanilla ice cream.  This is my go-to recipe when I want something easy and de-lish.

Smash a quart of strawberries.  It should give you exactly two cups mushed berries.
Add 4 cups sugar...since when is jam healthy?
Stir and let sit for 10 minutes so the sugar can dissolve.
 Mix 3/4 cup water with 1 pkg. Sure Jell.  Bring to boil and stir constantly for 1 minute.  Then stir Sure Jell mixture into strawberries.  Stir constantly for 3 minutes so sugar will dissolve.  Pour immediately into jars (leave 1/2 inch at the top).  Put lid on jar and wipe it down.  Let jam set on counter 24 hours.  Enjoy!  Especially good with this!

Strawberry Freezer Jam

1 quart fully ripe strawberries
4 cups sugar
3/4 cup water
1 box fruit pectin (I use Sure Jell)

You will need clean containers with lids; rinse them thoroughly or run them through the dishwasher.  Make sure they are completely dry.

Rinse strawberries gently with clean water, stem and crush them thoroughly. Measure exactly 2 cups crushed berries into a large bowl; stir in sugar.  Let stand for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Mix water and pectin in small saucepan; bring to boil on high heat, stirring constantly.  Continue boiling and stirring 1 minute.  Remove from heat and add to fruit mixture; stir constantly for three minutes or until sugar is dissolved and no longer grainy.

Fill prepared containers immediately to within 1/2 inch of top. (I use these) Wipe off edges and immediately cover with lids.  Let stand at room temperature 24 hours.

Your jam is now ready.  You can store it in the fridge for 3 weeks or frozen for one year.  Thaw frozen jam in the fridge before using. 




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