Cake Bites
Monday, April 18, 2011
I love, love, love cake bites. They are little balls of cake surrounded by a chocolaty coating. When I first tasted a cake bite I was prepared for a rich truffle (not my fave). But these are different, surprisingly moist and delicious. I first learned about them from Angie, aka miss Bakerella. I'm not nearly as creative as she is but I do make these little gems for major holidays, showers, birthdays and just for the heck of it. My one caveat is that they are addictive and very hard to eat just one...I'm just sayin.'
Sprinkle with your choice of cupcake topping. These are pink and green for a baby shower I hosted.
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Make a boxed cake according to package directions. When cooked and cooled crumble the cake into a bowl. Add 3/4 container prepared frosting.
I used the mold on the bottom to set the they are much easier to dip. Dip the top into the desired color candy melts.
Sprinkle with your choice of cupcake topping. These are pink and green for a baby shower I hosted.
These were for Valentines Day.
These were for Christmas.
For step-by-step instructions look here. You will not be disappointed with the finished product.
My favorite!