It's an obsession

I have an obsession...well, I have a few.   This is one.  But that's a story for another time.  *Swoon*
My latest obsession is one I learned from this lady.

This is Robyn Openshaw.  She is also known as the Green Smoothie Girl.  I first heard about her from my mother-in-law and her sisters.  Robyn has been on a mostly raw diet for years and years and helps people through a 12 step process to eat healthier.  I was intrigued when I first looked at her blog and started reading about green smoothies.  Green smoothies (one quart) provides 14 servings of fruits and veggies!  The health benefits are immense so I thought, "I can do this."  I tried it at first with tons of fruit and little greens and now I'm doing a lot more greens and veggies and less fruit.  I NEVER thought I'd be drinking green smoothies AND enjoying them. 
 In fact, I crave my smoothies whenever I travel. I've been drinking spinach, red chard, romaine, green leaf, beet greens, mixed greens, and kale!  I also add zucchini, tomatoes, broccoli, beets, celery, carrots etc. etc.  These are things I would never eat without blending them. I usually use everything in my Bountiful Basket to make my smoothie too. I have been drinking them for about a year now.  Robyn Openshaw is coming to Boise in September.  If you'd like to see her, you can get a free ticket on her website.
 Banana, strawberries, orange, mango, plum and green leaf lettuce.  After I blend it all, I add two generous handfuls of spinach.
 I make two of these every morning.  Two quarts for my husband and I and a pint (7 servings of fruits and veggies) for each of my three kids. 
I love my Blendtec.  It is the one kitchen appliance I use at least once a day.
Sometimes I have a quart leftover for lunch (if I'm lucky).



1 Comment

1 Response to "It's an obsession"

  1. Janette says:

    Can't wait for my bountiful basket on Saturday!

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