Official Cake Decorator

   My daughter and I have an official skill.  We took a beginning cake decorating course together...and passed!  During this class we had a lot of fun learning how to pipe designs onto our cakes.  I learned that I hate "buttercream frosting" when it is made with shortening.  blech. I also learned that decorating cakes with my daughter is really fun!

My tips and assorted supplies for cake decorating. 
This is my first cake I made during the 4 week course.

I filled it with this seedless raspberry jam.  Delicious.
Morgan made this chocolate cake with a fish stencil.
Here is a closer view.   
 The rose the instructor made.
 The rose I made.
This is our final cake for week 4.  I learned how to use my tips, make roses and leaves etc. Please remember I am a beginner...but I don't think mine looks too bad.

Look how moist and delicious this cake looks.  Please note that for the final cake I had to make buttercream with real butter (against the Wilton instructor's wishes...oops I guess I'm a cake-decorating rebel)   No more of that disgusting shortening crap.  After I made my buttercream I put this food coloring in it to make the frosting white which makes it easier to color.  So much better tasting.

I am an official Basic cake decorator according to Wilton!  I love gettn' me some educashun.

Did you know that here in Idaho there is a group called Community Cakes that is a non-profit charity that makes sure everyone in the area receives a birthday cake on their birthday! Volunteers bake birthday cakes for foster children, hospice patients, Veterans and anyone else who is deserving of a cake on their special day. I love that idea and have added my name to the list of volunteers. If you are interested in lending a creative (or not so creative) hand, please go to



1 Comment

1 Response to "Official Cake Decorator"

  1. Jenny says:

    I think your rose looks better than the teacher!! Your welcome!

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