Color In the Kitchen

I love to bake.  That goes without saying.  I love it when my kitchen is clean and I have a little extra time when I can try a new recipe according to the season.  Right now I'm loving all things peach.  I bought a bushel of peaches right from the orchard and I eat them in everything from cobbler to smoothies to crepes to my morning cereal.  Although I love baking, it can get a little monotonous.  A cup of this, a cup of that, mix and bake, yawn.  Then, I saw these beauties.  Gorgeous measuring cups. When I saw them on the shelf at the store the heavens opened and  I new they had to be mine.  Guess what my friends.  I bought some for you! *** update***the give away is now closed.  The winner of these colorful measuring cups is PS Bradford!  Congratulations.

Here is the cheeriest cup of all.  The 1/2 cup.  All red and polka-dottie.   Makes you want to bake, doesn't it?!
These two are so bright and sunny.  1/4 and 1/3 cup.  The black line on the cup is the measurement line. Helpful isn't it.
Now my new friends are busy at work helping me make these.  If you would like to have a set of these cups for yourself, comment on this post for one entry.  Then, if you are ambitious, "like" my facebook page at Everything to Entertain and make a separate entry on this page telling me you "liked" my page (the "like"button is under the chocolate cake picture on the top).  That's two opportunities to get your name in the hat.  Trust me.  These beauties will inspire you to make wonderful things. 




20 Response to "Color In the Kitchen"

  1. Janette says:

    I loooove your entertaining blog!  I have used your recipes and ideas more times than I can count.  Thank you!  Oh, and I would love to have my name dropped into the hat for the beautiful measuring cups!  Love them.

    Janette says:

    I Liked you on Facebook, too.  :)  Submit my name twice, please.

    Cjallred1 says:

    I'll admit I want the cups too. Something about polka dots really makes my day. Because I am one of the 10 people on earth that don't have facebook I guess I only get one name in :)

    jenny says:

    I LOVE those little polka dot measuring cups! They MUST be mine!!

    jenny says:

    I liked you on face book like forever ago! 

    Krissriding says:

    I'm now a follower of your blog!   My Measuring cups are the glass ones and the marks are worn off.  I would love the beautiful ones on your blog.  :)  Thanks Kriss Riding  

    Janette says:

    Just so you know, I have pinned this page and have received several re-pins.  I'm just sayin'.

    Anonymous says:

    holy crud, I need these. neeeeeeed! miss hearing your laugh, in sacrament. :)

    Allyson says:

    They might just cheer you up on a dreary day outside when you need to stay inside, like a minnesota winter.

    Ps_bradford says:

    Those cups are too cute! They really would bring me joy. I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win! And yes, I liked you on fb.

    Racaporale says:

    I have always been a polka dot fanatic!! These beauty will come in handy when I am cooking up all my favorite Jodi recipes!!

    Racaporale says:

    I liked you on FB a loooooonnnnggggg time ago! :)

    Sarah says:

    Yup put my name in! I love the measuring cups.

    Sarah says:

    And I liked you on facebook.

    Lula Ogden says:

    Am I too late???  If not, count me in!

    You always have the cutest things! Your the best

    Sara M says:

    Those are super cute!

    Sara M says:

    I liked your facebook page!

    Sarah says:

    Count me in!  I love those measuring cups!

    Sarah says:

    And I liked your facebook page.

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